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Name: Jethwa Monali A
Paer no: 6: The Victorian Literature
Topic : Major writer of Victorian Age
Roll no: 23
Sam : 2 M. A -1
Email.Id :
Submitted by : Dept.Of English
                         M.k Bhavnager University

Major Writer of Victorian Age

The year 1830 generally placed at the beginning of this period but its limits are very indefinite.
In general we may think of it as covering the reign of victoria 1837-1901.
Historically the age is remarkable for the growth of democracy following the reform bill of 1832.
Though the Victorian age produced Tennyson and Browning the as a whole is remarkable for the verity and excellence of its prose.
Victorian literature creates a bridge between the Romantic and dark romantic writing of the early 19th century to the progressive modern’s eras in America and the Edwardian eras of literature at the turn of the 20th century.
It is a modern period of progress and unrest when victoria became a queen in 1837,a English literature seems to have entered  upon a period of lean year in mark contrast with the poetic fruitfulness of the Romantic age.
Victorian age is emphatically an age of realism rather than of romance.

Major Writer of Victorian Age divided in to three parts:-

Poet of the Victorian Age:-
Alfred Tennyson
Robert Browning
Elizabeth Barrett
Novelist of the Victorian Age:-
Charles Dickens
William Makepeace Thackeray
George Eliot
 Essayists of the Victorian Age:-
John Ruskin
Thomas Carlyle
Matthew Arnold
1. ALFRED TEENYSON:-[1809-1892]

Tennyson was born in the rectory of Somersby ,Lincolnshirein 1809.The sweet influences of his early natural surroundings can be better understood from his early poem then from then any biography. He was the one of the 12 child Rev. George Clayton Tennyson. After school life Tennyson return home and was fitted for the university by his scholarly father.
Tennyson was naturally shy, restring and publicity loving to be nature like words  worth.
With his brothers he wrote many verses and his first appeared in a little volume called poem by “ Two Brothers” in 1827.Next year he entered trinity College, Cambridge. At the university Tennyson became known for his poetical ability and two year after his entrance the gained the prize of the Chancellor's Medal for a poem called “ Timbuctoo”.Soon after winning this prize Tennyson published his first work poem called “Chiefly Lyrical” 1830.
In 1831, Tennyson left the University without taking degree. The reason for this step is not clear. His best known work “Crossing the Bar”.
Tennyson poetry is to be very precious  to be young like Adam in paradise ,wonderful ,and full of inspiring kind of poem.
His famous poem :- like: The Priencess1847, In Memoriam 1850, Enoch Arden1846, Idylls of the king, Dora, Akbar's Tomb, Crossing the Bar, The Gardener's Daughter, Ulysses, Locksley Hall, Sir Galahad, The lotos-Eater. This all are famous poem of the Tennyson.
His Famous plays :- like: Queen Marry1875 , Harold 1876 , Backet 1884 , The Falcon 1879 , The cup1881, The Forester1892.This all famous palys of the Tennyson.
 In the poem ,In Memoriam,
    - This poem completed in 1849
    -  In this poem Tennyson written about the memory of the Arthur Hallam.
    - In Memoriam is written in Fourline ABBA Stanza of Iambic Totrameter.
    - In this stanza found in canto 27.
In the poem Crossing the Bar,
   - This poem written in 1849.
             - This poem is Elegy poem.                                                                                                                   
             - This poem Which was written in his eighty first year.                                                                                                   

 O from the heaven
You that are watching.....
The gray Magician
with eyes of wonder
I am Merlin
and I am dying
I am Merlin
who follow The Gleam.
This poem “Merlin  and The Gleam” finds in it  a suggestion of the spirit of the poets  whole life , his devotion to the ideal as expressed in poetry.

2. ROBERT BROWNING:- [ 1809 -1892 ]

He was born in Camberwell ,on the outskirts of London in 1812.Browning was fond of music and in many of his poem especially in, Abt Vogler etc.
Love and Italy proved better then her physicians and for fifteen years Browning and his wife lived and ideally happy life in Pisa and in Florence’s.
Mrs. Browning died in Florence in 1861, and then Browning fled with his son to England.
His earlier work had been much batter appreciated in America than in England but with the publication of  The Ring and the Book, in 1868, he was at last recognized by his one of the greatest of English poets.
He was died in Venice on December 12, 1889 the same day that saw of the publication of his last work Asolando.
So, much faults which must be faced and over looked before one finds treasure that is hidden in Browning's poetry.
For thirty years he faced indifference or ridicule , until the world recognize and follow him, spirit of whole life is well expressed in his PARACELSUS, written when he was twenty two year old:

                   I see my way as birds their trackless way.
                   I shall arrive,- what time, what circuit first,......


The titles of the Browning best known volumes , he was the his all poem divided in to three parts 1-pure dramas like :- A Bolt In The 'Scutcheon ,2-Dramatic narretives like :- Pippa passes  , 3- drametic lyrics like :-  The Last Ride Togather .
His Famous Poem:-  Pauline 1833, Pippa Passes , Paracelsus 1835 , Sordello 1840 , Dramatic  Lyrics 1842 , Dramatic Romances and Lyrics 1845 , Men and Women 1855 , Dramatis Persona 1864 , Strafford 1837 , Fra Lippo Lippi , The Ring and The Book 1868 .
In the poem : Pippa Passes :-
This poem published in the 1841 this poem aside from its rare poetical qualities is a study of conscious influence.
Pippa is the little silk weaver who goes to one holiday of the whole year.It never occurs to her that perhaps there is more of misery then of happiness in the four grate once of whom she dreams and so she goes on her way singing,
The Year's at the spring
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hillside's dew-pearled;.......
It is a most perfects of all Browning's work.
In  the poem : The Ring and the Book
The Ring and the Book are the master pieces of Browning's. And it’s a published in the 1968.It is an immense poem twice as long as Paradise lost and longer by some two thousand line then the Iliad.
The title of the poem is explained by the habit of the old Etruscan goldsmith who make the elaborately ring whole mixed the pure gold with an alloy in order to harden it. When the ring was finished acid was poured upon it. The result of the browning purpose is a series of monologues in which same story is retold nine different times by the different actors in the drama.

He was the second of the eight poor children and was born at Landport in 1812. His father was clerk in the navy office .
Dickens a poor obscure and suffering child was helping to support a shiftless family by blacking bottle , under counter like a homeless cat and his father was confined for dept.
In 1836 his Pickwick was published and life changed as if a magician had waved his wand over him, Dickens with plenty of money and too much fame was the acknowledge literary hero of England.
Work :-
- His first book Sketches by Boz in 1835,his best known work pickwick was published serially in 1836-1837, Oliver Twist ,Old Curiosity Shop, his harsh criticism of his American notes 1842, and of martin Chuzzlewit 1843-1844, when how came in London Streets in the that 5years from the 1848-1853 appeared Dombey and Son , David Copperfield , Black house, A Tale of Two Cities.

We find in most of the Dickens's novel three four widely different type of character : 1) The innocent little child : like oliver ,joe ,pua l etc,
                  2) The Horrible : like Fagin, quilp, Bill sykes
                  3) Third humorous fellow ,the fun maker : like sam weller
                  4) Fourth Power fillt drawmn fighure : like Lady dedlock of 'Blackhouse'.
Charles Dickens's died in 1870 over his unfinished Edwin Drood and was buried in Westminister Abbey.


Arnold was born in Leleham in the velly of the Thames in 1822. His father was the Dr.Thomas Arnold hade master of the Rugby. After fitting of the university at Winchester and at rugby Arnold entered the Balloi College Oxford , where he was winning prizes in poetry.
For ten year 1857-1867 he was professor of poetry at Oxford, where his famous lecture on Translating homer were given.
Arnold literary work divided itself into three period which are call this like: The poetica , The critical , and the practical .
He had a written poetry since his school day and his first volume , The Strayed Reveller and other poem appeared in 1849.Three year later he published Empedocles on Etna and other poem, but only a few copies sold of this poetry. In1853-1855 his published his signed poems and twelve year later his published his last volume of poetry.
Spirit of whole life is well expressed in few lines of his early sonnet,
  One Lesson ,Nature Let me learn to thee,
  one lesson which in every wind is blown,
  One lesson of  two duties at one........
The chief work of the critical period are the lecture on the Translating Homer1861 , two volume of Essay in criticism 1865-1888,  Arnold best known literary man in England and his work Friendship Garland 1871 , Cultural and Anarchy his most characteristic work of the practical period appeared in the 1869.
The Discourses of America 1885 complete his list of work , Arnold's narrative poems the two best known are Balder Dead 1855, Sohrab and Rustum 1853 , next important narrative poem of the elegies , “ Thyrsis” , “The Scholar Gipsy” , “ Rugby Chapel” .
Poem name :
- Calais Sands , Church of Brou , Requiescat , Memorial verse of wordworth,
    Stanza in memory of the Autherr of obermann.
Poem of second series: Balder Dead , New Poem , Dover Beach ,Lines in Kensington garden 1852.
At the height of his fame and influence he died suddenly in 1888.

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