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Five types of cultural studies

Name: jethwa Monali A
Paper no : 8 The  Cultural studies
Topic : Fives Types of the Cultural Studies
Sam : 2 M.A part 1
Submitted: Dept. Of . English
                      M. K
                      Bhavnagar University.
Roll no: 20
Email Id :

·      Cultural Studies :-
·        My Assignment topic is the Five Types of the cultural studies
·        In my assignment so many point discusses here:-
What is Culture?
-  What is the cultural studies?
-  Five types of the cultural studies.
- Conclusion

·        What is culture ?
·        Culture means it is the related to the particular society and its idea ,custom ,and art.
·        Culture is the word which is impossible to described in the word.
·        culture is the consists of activates such as the art and philosophy which are considered to be important for the development of the civilization and peoples mind even particular society or civilization especially consider in the relation to its beliefs way of life or art.
·        Culture is the words it's impossible to elaborated in the one word.

·        What is the cultural studies ?
·        We know very well about culture . we all are studied about it culture is the so difficult as well as the cultural studies very much hard to define.
·        Cultural studies is the study which is the department of the Anthropology, Archaralogy, History ,sociology ,philosophy, Geography ,literature, and our own.
·        In the Cambridge English dictionary states in that find out culture is...
                      "The way of life especially the general customs and belief the particular group of a people at a particular time".

·       Four Goals of the cultural studies:
·        Cultural studies is the interdisciplinary field investing the way in which creates and transforms individual experience .everyday life ,social relation and power.
·        Cultural studies is the composed of elements of the Marxism ,feminism,  gender studies , anthropology, and sociology race and aesthetics studies all this field are attention on social and culture.
·        In a cultural studies in which we have analysed a wide variety of forms of cultural expression like : T.V, Films , art , and all. 
·      Five types of cultural studies :-
·       1] British cultural materialism :-

In British cultural studies is referred to as cultural materialism and it has to be tradition.
Two British major writers of the 19th century talk about the British culture like: MATTHEW ARNOLD redefines the " givens " of British culture , EDWARD BURNETT TYLOR'S Primitives culture 1871.
In the modern Britain two trajectories for the "culture" developed.
1- One led back to the past and the feudal hierarchies that ordered community in the past.
2- second led to words a futures ,socialist, utopia that would to be annual and distinction between labour and leisure classes and transformation  of status not fixity and the norm.
Cultural materialism began in the 1950s with the work of F.R Leavis , 
influenced by the Matthew Arnold's analysed of bourgeois culture .
Jonathan Dollimore and  Alan sinfield
author of culture of political Shakespeare had influenced in the development to be seminal text .
They have identified  the fore characteristic of the cultural materialism as theoretical devise.
·       2] New Historicism :-
New Historicism historical criticism insisted that to understand literary piece . we need to understands author biography  and social background what idea come on that time.
New historicism to find the meaning in so many text by considering the work within the frame work of the privilege idea and assumption of the privilege idea.
In which i have observed so many things here history is not a chronicle of fact and events but rather a complex elaborating of the human reality.
Michel Warner phrases New Historicism motto as , ......
              "The text is historical and History is textual".
New historicists seek " Surprising coincidence " that may cross generic , Historical and cultural lines in borrowing metaphor ceremony as popular culture.
H. Aram veeser  introducing an anthology of essay. New historicism is often a criticized  for lacking a group of as practiced by professional historians.
If the we have could be called 1970s " The age of Deconstruction".
·       3] American Multiculturalism :-

As we discussed above that this American multiculturalism have its different four types like:
1-African American Writers
2-Latin Writers
3-American Indian Writers
4-Asian American Writers 
In 1965 the watts race riots drew worldwide attention the civil rights acts had passed in the 1964.
the terms is used in two broad  way likes descriptively or informative multiculturalism centre on thought  in political philosophy about cultural and religious differences.
Multiculturalism in the America has long silent history.
·       1]- African American Writers:-
African American studies is pursued  in America literature criticism  from the recovery of 18th century poet.
like Phillis Wheatley  to experimental novels of Toni Morison.
In " Shadow and Act " 1964 novelist Ralph Ellison argues that...
               " Any Viable theory of Negro American
                 culture obligates us to fashion
                 a more adequate theory of
                 American culture as a whole"
African  American writers continued to enter the mainstream with the protest novel of the 1940s.
Ralph Ellison was influenced by Naturalism but even by American tradition such as the Trickster , Jazz , Blues ," signifying ,"and political system.
This novel of a physical and spiritual Odyssey by a black man who moves in north direction and his journey to reclaim and culture in the novel of  ," Invisible  Man " (1949) .
·       2 ]- Latin Writers :-
The term " Latina/o " to indicate a broad sense of ethnicity among Spanish speaking people in the united state.
Mexican American are the largest and most influential group of Latina/ o ethnicities in the united States.
Some Latinas such as" Maria Amparo Ruiz  De Burton " author of the 1885 novel of  "California" , "The Squatter " and , " The Don".
Three cultural archetype have been central  to Latina identity :-
 1) La Malinche
 2) La Virgen De Guadalupe
 3) La Llorona,
but this are newly interrogated today.
Rudolfo Anaya's  'Bless Me Ultima' 1973 perhaps the best known novel of the Latino , focuses on impact of World War 2 on small community in New Mexico.
Two other by Contribution to Latino fiction are :
1- Oscar Zela Acosta , author of' The Revolt of Cockroach people' 1973
2- Richard Rodriguer - " Hanger of Memory" 1981.

·       3] -African Indian Literature :-
In predominantly oral cultures , story-telling passes on religious belief moral values, political codes , and practical lesson of everyday life.
For American Indian stories are source of strengths in the face of centuries of silencing by Euro-Americans.
two types of Indian literature have evolved as a fields of study .Tradition Indian literature includes tales ,song and oratoryturies that have existed on the north American continent for centuries composed in tribal language.
·       4] -Asian American Writer :-
Asian American literature is written by people of Asian descent  in the united state that addressing the living in the society that views them as alien.
Asian American autobiography inherited descriptive strategies, Maxine Hong Kingston's: the women warrior : memories of girlhood Among Ghost 1976 illustrate.
Asian American studies has been focused on writer from Hawaii Guam Philippines.
·       4] Postmodernism and popular culture :-

- What  is Post modernism ?
               " It's like post structuralism and deconstruction is a critique of the  aesthetic of the preceding age, but beside more critique ,postmodernism celebrates the very act of dismembering tradition".
A late 20th century style and concept in architecture and criticism which represent a departure from modernism and is ,a characteristic by the self-conscious use of earlier style and convention  mixing of different artistic style and media and general  destruct of theories.
john walkins Chapman suggested " a post modern style of painting " even post modern had been used to described new forms of the arts and music as well as  postmodern music is either music of the most important  post modernist concern is the Deconstructed.
Post modern is the fashionable terms used to described contemporary culture or the recent culture which we live amongst .We are inhabiting a postmodern world.
post moderns media rejects the idea of that any media product that or the text any greater value then other .
The distinction between media and rejecting has collapsed ,postmodern text become mediated version of reality audience start interpreting reality based on interpretation rather than experience,
major figure of the high modernism : Virginia Woolf ,James Joyce , Ezra pound , T.S Eliot, etc...
- Popular Culture :-
The term " Popular culture " was coined in the 19th century or entirely about ides, perspective , attitude , images , and other phenomena .
the Abbreviated from " pop" for popular culture id connected with our society and our everyday life.
Before 1960s  there was a time when popular culture not a studies of academic way but when it was just a popular culture only, comic books ,television films , advertising popular music and computer cyber culture they access how much culture factors as ethnicity , race, gender , class ,age, region, and sexuality, are shaped by in popular culture.

this chart reshaped the popular culture :

 there are four  types of popular culture analysis :-
This all analysis seek to get beneth and surface meaning and examine implicit social meanings:

Sometimes popular culture can be over take and repackage a literary work that is impossible to original text about without references about to many layers of the popular culture
here we will add to one more point the popular culture reconstruction of a work like Frankenstein can also open it to unforeseen new interpretation.

·       5]  Post- colonial studies :-
It is on academic discipline featuring method of intellectual discourse that analysed ,explain , and respond, to the culture legacies of colonialism and imperialism.
It is the concerned with oppression of non European races by Europeans once
post colonial concern with creating spaces for subaltern and marginalized group, it can also be seen as continuation of colonialism through globalization.
Post colonialism refers to a historical phase undergone by third World countries in after the decline of the colonialism like: Asia ,Africa ,Latin America and Caribbean separated from the European Empire.
Many third world writer focus on both colonialism and the changes created in the post colonial culture.
So many product made in European country  but that all products   not popular on their but in the third world is became a very popular like :
McDonald's , Levi 's ,M TV, CCN.etc...
Homi.K.Bhabha  Post- Colonial theory involves  analysis of nationalist ethnicity and politics with post structuralism idea of identity and define the post colonial identity as hybrid Construction.
We can see some powerful conflicts arising from the colonial past in Rushdie's Midnight's Children 1980 for exam, which deconstruct from a post colonial viewpoint the histories of modern India.
At First, glance past - colonial studies would seems to be a matter of history and political sciences rather than literary criticism.

Post-colonial Theorist study worked by ;-
·       Conclusion:
As we all know now about the ,what is culture studies ,post-culture and knowing also about four goals and types of cultural studies and in that represent the reality and  culture etc., and define  the related to particular ideas, customs ,art, Societies etc.


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