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Balram’s quest for freedom in Adiga’s “The White Tiger”

Click here to evaluate my assignment.  Name: Jethwa Monali A Paper 14:  The African Literature Roll no: 19  Topic: Balram’s quest for freedom in Adiga’s “The White Tiger” Submitted: Dept.Of.English                         M.K.B.U Email Id: Introduction About author: ·          Aravind Adiga was born in 1974 in Madras (now called Chennai), and grew up in Mangalore in the south of India. He was educated at Columbia University in New York and Magdalen College, Oxford. His articles have appeared in publications such as the New Yorker, the Sunday Times, the Financial Times, and the Times of India. ·          His debut novel, The White Tiger, won the Man Booker Prize for fiction in 2008. I...

Second language acquisition theory by David nunan

  To evaluate assignment click hear Name : Jethwa Monali A Sub : ELT Unit : 2 : Topic : Second language acquisition theory by David    nunan Sem : 3 : M.A Part 2 Submitted by : Department of English M.K.B.U Email id : Second Language Acqutision By David Nunan Introduction :- The prosses by which people learn a second language in addition o their native language Second language plays an institution role in the society . The terms second language acquisition refers to the prossesses through which someone acquire one or more second or foregin language. The discipline now known as SLA emerge from comeritive studies of similarites and differnce between languages . These sttudies were condected in the belief that a learners first language has an important influences in the acqusition of a second l...

History of Television in India; Advantages and Disadvantage of Television

Click to my assignmenthere   Name: Jethwa Monali A Paper: 15 Mass  Communication and media study Roll no: 19 Topic: History of Television in India; Advantages and              Disadvantage of Television Email Id: Submitted: Dept. Of .English                     M.K.B.U ·        History of the Television in India: ·          Television started as a modest affair in India on September 15. 1969 when the AIR set up an experimental television service in Delhi. It was soon converted into a full-fledged telecasting station. Bombay was the second city in India to open a TV centre on October 2, 1972. . ·          A television centre was commissioned ...